Hello there, my name is Dot, although I am also known as @kx1z0 (Hack the Box) @kx1z0 (twitter). And I am a cybersecurity fanatic.

I started in this of the cybersecurity two years ago. My favorite area, with no doubt, is the web part.

I  like to play with Bash as you can see in some of the posts that I have published, and I've been learning Python for a while now. You can take a look at my GitHub profile here.

To date, I have obtained a CVE. CVE-2020-24329 you can read how I did it here.

My Hack the Box profile is:

Hack The Box

I also have a YouTube channel where I upload POCs, and some other CTF challenge solutions.

If you are interested in contacting me, you can do it via any of the following social networks:

Twitter --> @kx1z0
Discord --> @Dot#6986